Occupational therapy for children

We are a medical profession, but we work with children at their level and at their pace. We support gentle and gradual development and create opportunities to develop their skills.

during the therapy we optimize sensory, vestlibular and tactile perception, we follow the development of motor skills and cognition and we aim for complex skills (the ability to plan, organize, self-regulate, self-sufficiency, reading and writing). We focus on integrating all skills into a child’s everyday life and creating an environment that will allow him to develop his own potential in the long run.

The goal of therapy is a child who will be satisfied and well functioning at school, family and friends.

Read more about our pediatric occupational therapists Bc. Lucia Zimolová, BsC. Chipo Malambo and Mgr. Olga Markova.

For children with...

  • developmental problems
  • cerebral palsy
  • senzoric integration problems (SPD)
  • inquired brain injury
  • autistic spectrum disorder (ASD)
  • ADD / ADHD
  • Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)
  • Down syndrome
  • muscular dystrophy
  • after injury or surgery

What we focus on...

  • activity of daily living
  • motor sklils
  • sensory integration
  • bilateraly coordination
  • vizual perception and vizual motor integration
  • cognitive and executive function
  • social skills
  • early development
  • writting
  • school readiness
  • compensatory aids and home adaptation

The Occupational Therapy Process

During the first meeting, the occupational therapist makes, talks to the family, meets and plays with the child. On this basis, occupational therapist specify the therapeutic plan, which defines what changes therapy should bring to a child’s life. The plan includes the development of specific functions (motoric, cognitive, sensory, social) and especially the practical activities for improving  the child’s life (eg. to dress independently, school readiness etc.).

This is followed by a therapeutic block of six occupational therapy hours at a frequency of 1 x week – 14 days. Within this time we work on fulfilling the plan and achieving the necessary goals. Subsequently, it is possible to continue the therapy or to continue or resume it after a break of several months – according to the needs of your child and an agreement with an occupational therapist.


Diagnostika, návrh postupu, terapeutický plán (90 min)1200 Kč
Ergoterapie 25/50 min (6x)390/780 Kč
Ergoterapie na pojišťovnu (VZP, OZP, ZPMV, RBP, ČPZP, Škoda, Cigna)ANO
Jednorázová konzultace/poradenství (60 min)990 Kč

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